What problem did EasyMilk solve?
Due to the nature of milk delivery in India (unorganised and fragmented), the day-to-day operations for milk delivery agents makes the business unprofitable and unpredictable. Milk delivery agents order milk from cooperatives on a daily basis based on an estimated demand (not actuals). This causes either an oversupply of milk or undersupply of milk for agents on a daily basis resulting in either milk wastage or unsatisfied customers!
How did EasyMilk solve the problem?
Instead of consumers having to place milk orders on a daily basis with their agents, consumers could now “subscribe” to a defined daily quantum of milk on a monthly basis (the cut off time to modify an order was 8PM on the previous day). This enabled agents to procure just enough milk on a daily basis with their cooperatives leading to almost 100% predictability in daily milk orders.
Milk delivery agents also realised a few additional benefits:
(a) each consumer subscribing for a given month meant that the consumer was retained for 30 days
(b) daily orders now were now available on a website to track and analyze (as opposed to pen and paper)
What technologies were used to build EasyMilk?
For the website and backend, we used AngularJS and NodeJS. We used MongoDb as the data store.
For the mobile app, we used the cross platform app development framework Ionic.
Who worked on EasyMilk?
Swaroop, Vikrant, Sagar and Bharathi.
Did EasyMilk scale?
No. At its peak, EasyMilk was available in 10K+ households in Hyderabad.